Turn Veggies Into Superheroes!

Get your students to eat more vegetables with SuperFood Heroes®, our free nutrient-rich taste testing program.

A Nutrition Program with Superpowers

SuperFood Heroes® is a school-based nutrition and taste testing program designed to get 3rd and 4th graders to eat more vegetables. It’s free to schools and proven to work!

The 20 stars of our program—SuperFood Heroes® such as Emilio Eggplant and Maddy Mushroom—introduce kids to healthy vegetables in fun and informative ways. Using their own superpowers, they serve up the nutritional facts while you serve up our tasty recipes for students to try, sometimes for the first time.

Our program’s unique use of superheroes, repetition and a little positive peer pressure has proven to increase vegetable consumption at participating schools.

Randy Radish
Hello! I’m RANDY RADISH, a SuperFood Hero

Did you know that kids who eat vegetables are more likely to grow into adults who eat vegetables? Learning to eat nutritious foods like radishes right now may help your students stay healthy throughout their lives.

Why the SuperFood Heroes® Approach Works

Kids are more likely to try something new around their friends

Kids develop their taste for certain foods at an early age

Kids who try a food multiple times are more likely to develop a taste for it

“It blows my mind how many kids have never tried so many veggies. I have sixth graders in my room who have never tried simple veggies like cauliflower. SuperFood Heroes® is a way for them to try veggies their parents don’t necessarily have at home.”

– Gina Dupps, Francisco Elementary

Ready to sign up?

Simply register and start planning! SuperFood Heroes® is free and customizable to your school.