Polly Pinto Bean

Polly Pinto Bean

Hi, I'm Polly. My Superpower is Protection! My Tagline is "Protect yourself fromhunger and illnesswith the filling power of pinto beans!" I'm a member of the Legumes food group.

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The package above includes the items below:

Talking Points
For: Classroom Teachers, Cafeteria Staff, and Parents

Talking Points are fun facts about each SuperFood Hero that reinforce the benefits of consuming vegetables. Utilize Talking Points during morning announcements, during taste tests, and on the school menu or calendar. The Talking Points educate on the history, growing, nutrients and appearance of the vegetables.

Talking Points Downloads:

Veggie Power Breaks (Log in for access)
For: Classroom Teachers

These quick, interactive lessons incorporate SuperFood Heroes® into classroom subject areas. Lessons can be used as an introduction to each taste test, end-of-day activity, or a bonus lesson in the subject of your choice.

Research suggests that learning about a vegetable increases student consumption and preference for that vegetable. Education is very important to any taste testing program. Each lesson is aligned with Indiana Academic Standards.

Veggie Power Break Categories:

Cafeteria Resources
For: Classroom Teachers, Cafeteria Staff, and Parents

School nutrition staff will benefit from the use of these resources for planning taste test menus, tracking taste test production and sample recipe ideas. Making taste testing a routine part of your nutrition department builds excitement for your school cafeteria and consistently exposes students to new veggies that can be implemented into school meals.

Taste Test Day Downloads:Resource Downloads:Recipe Downloads:

For: Classroom Teachers, and Cafeteria Staff

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Posters Downloads:

Flying Home
For: Classroom Teachers

Designed or parent-student interaction, Flying Home Worksheets contain trivia, shopping tips, recipes and a fun coloring activity for each SuperFood Hero! Classrooms can use the worksheets for extra credit, color contests and a way to enjoy the SuperFood Hero in their home kitchens.

Flying Home Downloads: